Archive for January, 2010

Response to Obama’s State of the Union

One year and one week in office and he’s still blaming Bush for the failed policies of his own administration.  Obama doesn’t realize that Americans do not want increased government spending, increased government intervention into the free markets, and a decrease in our personal liberties.  I have some recommendations that our candidates should focus on:

Continue reading ‘Response to Obama’s State of the Union’

Reaction to Scott Brown’s Election in MA

What a night!

The voters of Massachusetts told the national Democratic party that they did not want a bigger federal government.  The ideals of conservatism struck a chord with the voters in the bluest of blue states.  This is exciting.  This shows that Americans are not buying into the socialist garbage that Obama and his cronies are trying to sell to the American people.  Although it was an epic and historic win for Republicans, we should not become complacent with this win.  It’s an encouragement, but I believe we still have some mending to do with the American people as a Party.

We are exactly 6 months away from the general primary (July 20) here in Georgia.  We must continue to ask tough questions and find the best Republican candidates to put on the ballot in November.  Our monthly Walker GOP meetings are booked with various state-wide and Congressional candidates.  I encourage you (whether you’re a Walker resident or not) to attend our meetings on the third Tuesday of every month so you can learn about who is running for office.  Our next meeting will be on February 16th.  I look forward to seeing you there!